Monday, January 12, 2009

Our Biggest Christmas Present

So we totally forgot to mention in the previous blogs that we got a huge answer to prayer for Christmas...

Our townhouse in Dallas finally got rented!!!

We'd had it on the market since about the middle of July, dropped the price twice, and had a ton of people look at it and say that 'it was on their list' but then we never heard anything again. But, in the first week of December we got 2 lease applications! Anyway, one of them turned out to be a very good option, and she moved in on the 27th. More importantly, she paid the rent, so we are now only losing a few hundred dollars a month on the mortgage!! We are very happy and relieved, thank you for all of your prayers and thoughts about this!

Now all we have to do is wade through the paperwork and get Jenna a nursing job!

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