Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Art Project

So Jenna has been a little bored lately.

She spends a portion of each day browsing around the Internet, reading random blogs and "window shopping" for clothes and decor. Luckily, we don't have any excess money, so it generally stops at window shopping.

One of our friends, Keri Mitchell, recently had a new baby, and one day Jenna was browsing through her registry at Pottery Barn. This led to her poking around the site for her own good. She stumbled upon a $400 piece of artwork that she loved, but knew we couldn't buy even if we had the ability to ship it somewhere. Then she got to thinking..."I can do that".

A few weeks later, we had this:

It is basically a bunch of small slats of wood that we painted and nailed to a bigger piece of wood. It is huge (4ft x 4ft) and quite heavy. We won't be able to hang it anywhere, so it will end up having to sit on top of things wherever we decide to put it (at the moment, in our bedroom).

Aaron did most of the labor - measuring and cutting the wood, nailing the boards, while Jenna came up with the layout, color scheme, and did all the painting. It took us a while to complete, and our house was littered with building materials for several weeks, but we had a lot of fun doing it, and were very pleased with the finished product, which ended up costing less than $50 in supplies (take that, Pottery Barn!!).

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

I'm impressed! It turned out great. I can just see it sitting atop your mantle in Dallas :)