Friday, August 22, 2008

Moving Day

Today is our moving day, and I am sitting at work this morning while Jenna is at home enjoying a book. When I get home from work, I fully expect to join her. All the while, there are six random guys in my house packing, lifting and sweating (we may have turned the AC down a bit). I love movers.

As of this morning, I hadn't touched a box. All the dishes were still in the cabinets. The garage was in disarray. If Jenna weren't so picky about filling in nail holes, the walls would have still been full of pictures. All this and by the end of the day all of our belongings will be neatly packed and on a truck on the way to storage.

Now I have not had a lot of moves in my life, but the four or five times my family has moved, or the 8 times I moved in and out of the dorms, were all terrible. My only positive memory was my RA hauling my 1/2 ton TV up the 4 ultra-tall flights of stairs of Chapman Hall freshman year. This, on the other hand, is just awesome. I'd always sworn off paying for movers, but after this, I may have to reconsider.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Prince carried your TV in for you?